Thursday, July 19, 2018


Dear R.B. 

I first want to thank you for a show, and a character, and a person that entertained and educated so many of us so well. I know that, while you did not do it alone, you were pivotal to an amazing slice of honesty and openness that changed America and the world for the better. Both through your show and your stand up persona, we learned to be more thoughtful, more tolerant, more kind. Granted that doesn't give you a pass to now say or do anything you want without repercussions, but it should be remembered; it should mean something to America and it should be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to vilify you. I took it into consideration. I will not hate this woman that I've so often observed fighting for justice, and equality, and kindness. Your ideas and your show helped me personally to overcome homophobia, racism, and abusive relationships. Thank you. You are, at your core, a kind-overcomer and I’ve learned much about tolerance, survival, and thriving from you. And now, as someone you have helped, as a fellow overcomer, I want to urge you to get help with any issues that may be overwhelming you right now. It is easy to see that things are difficult for you. I just watched a recent YouTube video that ended with you screaming about how you “thought she was white”. You are stressed and overwhelmed. You have admitted that prescription drug use played into the very harsh words you sent out. I want to urge you to begin stepping back from those drugs, as far back as possible! I don't want to lose your light and all your potential to the shadow of drugs! Remember all the light and lives that we as a race (the human race is the only race I believe in) have lost to drugs and alcohol. Remember them and please step back before it is too late! 

You and I have both struggled with depression, anxiety, and DID. Such things can rear their heads again, years after we thought we had tucked them into the safe corners of our life. Believe me, I know. Please, get back into therapy! We all lose our way sometimes. It's just most of us don't do it on Twitter with the whole world paying close attention. You talk and tweet about things that other people largely call “conspiracy theories”. Most of us consider these unproven. It smacks of paranoia when someone becomes convinced that one of these theories is a serious worry. It reeks of paranoia if they become convinced of two or three. You, Roseanne speak of more than three. Maybe there is some truth to some of them. I certainly don't know everything. Perhaps you are privy to information I've never seen. I just don't know. But I'll tell you what I DO know: I know that ranting about them without proof makes you seem paranoid, and even more importantly, I know that there are issues we can both agree are very real that could still use your help. Women need you. Children need you. Men need you. Minorities need you. Homosexuals need you. Animals need you. Flint Michigan needs you. Etc! There are so many for sure real problems out there! And for many years you were on top of them! In truth, before your association with the current POTUS, anyone could see that you were fighting the good fight and standing up for women, homosexuals, and minorities all over the world. Only a fool would have denied it! But supporting a man that clearly has no respect for women, children, minorities, homosexuals, and the disabled makes people question your true motives. I can see why you might think his words are just words. After all, he's an entertainer and you're an entertainer and sometimes entertainers say some crazy shit, huh? But I want to make just two points to you. 
 1.) He has given us not only his own confessions and harsh words with which to judge him, but we've seen many horrible actions by this same individual. 
 & 2.) Entertainers rarely make good leaders. They are very important. They shed light on the dark subjects. In many ways, they show the leaders where to lead! But the jester or the bard loses all their power and are completely out of their element if you put them on the throne. (That being said, you would have made a far superior President to the one we have now!) 

You say you're not racist and I believe you. But now I urge you to stop supporting a racist. You say you're for equality and justice. I urge you to stop supporting the billionaire that only cares about money and other billionaires. Do you remember what it's like to the little guy? Well, this POTUS doesn't, he's NEVER been there, and he's shitting all over our little guys. He's everything you're not. He dislikes the poor, and women, and homosexuals, and minorities, and the disabled. He stands for the monied and the macho. He takes power from the weak and gives it to the strong. I have ABSOLUTE faith that you will see through him someday; I pray that day is soon. We could really use you back in the fight for justice, and equality, and kindness! Thanks for reading.  

I'll leave you with some of the wisest words any writer ever shared: “You can always get better. Nobody can stop you from getting better, and nobody can stop you from trying to make something right.” Roseanne Barr