Monday, April 7, 2014



Photo: "Dreamingdon"
By Skitch

     The ideal life would require a lot more than money. It would take peace, love, and happiness. None of which can be bought with money, but they can be sought a lot better that way. When you talk to people about having the financial means to pursue their ideal life they tell you rather vaguely, "I would buy a mansion," "I would spoil my kids/family/friends with gifts," "I would travel," "I would buy everything I've ever wanted." I've wondered recently why those comments are so broad. I first thought, but quickly discarded the idea, that they didn't want to bore me with the details. I've discovered, at this getting-ripe age, that my superpower is the ability to inspire the truth in others. Sometimes I hear secrets, sometimes drama and scandals, sometimes bragging, sometimes slow and languid details they don't often share with anyone else. But whatever it is, things they don't usually talk about just seem to slip right out of their lips if they spend time with me. Often, it's just a tiny slice of time. Many a stranger or person I've just met has looked at me in puzzlement and said, "I don't know why I just told you all that." For the longest time, I didn't know either. I still don't know the details of it. Is there a look in my eye that shouts, "Give me your secrets, and I will take them to my grave."? I don't know. But I've come to like it a lot. I smile now and tell them about my superpower. No one has argued with me yet.
     So, why don't they give me the details of their dreams? After much deliberation, I've begun to wonder if they even know the details of their dreams. Are they afraid to focus on them? Are they afraid of being let down, of wanting things even more than they already want them?

     I am not afraid. I practice living fearlessly and facing fears. So, I will look at the specifics of my "If money were no object" dream.

          I would buy homes for my children, my parents, my sisters, my best friend, and her children, my nieces and nephews, and a couple three cousins. Hopefully in the same town that I would be living in, but ultimately wherever they chose. I would buy them each a good dependable car they could be happy with.

     For myself, there is a house in a neighboring town made with brick that was probably forged in the 1860s. It is two houses down from a library. It has nooks, and crannies, and curb appeal, and a widow's walk. Thick trees stand sentinel and wear ivy like regal cloaks. The house has stories to tell, and with all my heart and mind I want to hear them. If someone were to say to me, "I'm going to buy you a house, any house you want, but you can't sell it; you must live in it until you die and then pass it down to your children," I would, without hesitation, choose that house. (If, however, they said they would buy me any house I wanted I'd pick the most expensive one I could find and then turn around and sell it, buy the old brick monstrosity with the ivy. Then I would eat, and travel, and live on the rest of the money.) I've decided that, as far as houses go, that old brick wearing ivy is my soul mate. If money were no object, I would live in that home. I would furnish it from the local antique and furniture stores, I'd make one room a conservatory and grow some awesome vegetables year round. I'd put an herb garden and a cottage flower garden out back. I'd touch every brick and crawl all over the roof. I'd eat breakfast on the covered balcony and throw the best Halloween parties ever known to man. 

     I'd get a good bike and put a basket on it, and hit the farmer's market wide open every time I could. I would not be using the bike for lack of a vehicle, but because I love to bike. As far as vehicles go, I'd find and purchase an old teal colored truck, for hauling and banging around in, probably something from the 50s or 60s. I'd get a classic orange VW Beetle, because Beetles have long been my favorite cars, and I've never had an orange one. (Surprisingly, the color orange is growing on me as I go.) I'd buy a purple Jeep Grand Cherokee 4 x 4, much newer, for when I wanted to travel in comfort, or with several people, or needed a 4 wheel drive. And I'd get a blue Camero... just because. 

     Somewhere outside of town, I'd own a piece of land that had a vegetable garden and a fire tower. The fire tower would be my own little get away, so that I had somewhere to go when I wasn't quite fit for company, or my latest writing wasn't crawling out my head fast enough, or the sounds of the world were overwhelming me. It'd have to have an elevator of some sort, even a one person one would work fine. I'm growing acutely aware that I may not always have the ability to climb up and down stairs at all, let alone a blue zillion of them, but while I could, I would climb up them. Down is already torture on the knees, but I actually like climbing up stairs most of the time. My fire tower would have electricity, running water, and screened windows that would open to let the wind in to visit. I'd be able to pour a cup of tea and ask the wind to tell me where it's been and what it's seen. I would record that on paper for my great-great grandchildren, so they would know what the wind told me before they were even born.

     I'd buy a beach house and spend oddles of hours listening to the waves break, looking for the treasure of unique sea shells, and drinking coffee while I watched the gulls. I'd share it with the rest of the family, and even rent or buy another one if that one started being a bit too full a bit too often. Finally, I would have free access to my sister the sea.

     Then we would travel. I would take my oldest son to Japan. He loves the culture and the art that stems from that small country. I'd take my second son to Hawaii or the Maldive Islands because he has always talked of an exotic tropical vacation. I'd ask each of my step-kids to pick a trip and they could go with or without me, as they liked. I'd make sure (even if it was a second trip) that my husband's eldest had the opportunity to go to India, his second eldest Paris, the third Australia. The fourth in line should get an expensive train/cruise to Alaska. His baby girl should see the castles in England, Wales, Ireland. And my step-son and his bride should take an anniversary get away to Spain and Italy. I want to see all these places and many more. I'd drag my husband all over the globe and spend two weeks in Savanna Georgia, just the two of us. I feel a deep calling to boat down the Amazon river, to watch the sun set in Africa, to go see my friends in Turkey. I'd take my parents to the beach again, to that sweet family beach house. My oldest sister and I would go on a tour of the state parks. My next oldest and her husband, I'd take on a bunch of river tours, down the Mississippi. I'd try to talk my parents, my sisters, whomever to go see the Holy Lands with me. I'd take my best friend to San Francisco, Maine, to visit her family in diverse places, and anywhere else her heart desired. I'd finally see Massachusetts, Montana, and Mexico. The family and I would travel and travel, and travel. 

     There would be charity work and charity dollars given out. If money were no object, I would have the time to do for the elderly that seem to stand constantly at the door of my heart. We have two senior ladies that live all alone just down the road from us now. I'd love to have the time and energy to simply visit them more often. I'd love to volunteer at the local retirement community again, and for Head Start and The Special Olympics again. Those and other worthy causes would get some of my time and money. 

     I'd support several friends in their creative endeavors. I know quite a few people that could use a good agent, some get-started cash, a good co-signer, etc. I'd like to help them make their creative dreams come true.

     Then I'd write. I'd have the time, the energy, the ability to travel and do research. I'd devote the rest of my life to my community, my family, and my creative projects. I'd write novels and children's books. I'd make films and take painting classes. I'd learn to play drums, to speak Spanish and sign language. I'd learn more about astronomy and self defense. I'd find time for Yoga and horseback riding. I'd do gravestone rubbings. I'd live life to the fullest...

     That's the specifics of my Ideal Life... What would YOUR ideal life be like?

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