(This one anyway)
The Bible does indeed urge us to turn the other cheek. I
understand that and I give it my all. But it also says there's a time for war.
I figure that's when it's not MY cheek. Slap me you will probably get a pass;
at least, that's my plan. Slap one of my kids, grandkids, my spouse, parents,
siblings, niecephews, friends, innocent bystander…. It's time for war. I think
God expects and wants us to defend others.
Another thing that brings on the time for war is when you
make my God look evil. I think that's why Jesus flipped the tables on the money
changers. They were making God and God’s house look bad.
If Jesus were to walk among us today, here in America, I am
pretty convinced he'd head to the White House and flip tables.
Many of today's Christians consider Democrats and liberals
to be anti Christian and anti God. They think anyone that rallies for
homosexuals and abortionist, can't be on the same side as God. But I ask you to
look firmly and closely at this idea for just a moment.
Forget that fewer abortions happen when Democrats are in
office (though that screams at me.) Forget that Democrats attempt to feed the
poor and treat the sick. Let's simply look at Republicans for now.
Perhaps once upon a time, Republicans really were concerned
with faith and family, but it's beyond apparent that the main motivation for
modern Republicans is the good old greenback dollar. They sometimes vote for
the values they espouse, but even more often they vote for the lining of their
own pockets.
It's very debatable that homosexuality is wrong. Some
Christians say, "definitely", some say "maybe", some say
"no". But let's take the stand for a moment that says it is wrong,
for it's a free person's prerogative to believe it is; let's ride with the idea
that homosexuals are indeed an “abomination” headed for hell. The questions
then is: Are they irredeemable? Does God hold one sin and a certain kind of
sinner more accountable than others? Mark 3: 28 & 29, among several other
verses, tell us the only unforgivable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. So,
that would mean that a homosexuality is (if a sin we must call it) just as
forgivable as all the sins we nearly ignore.
You're divorced? That's between you and God. You're a
chronic liar? Who am I to judge you? You abuse your temple (your body) with
drugs, cigarettes, caffeine, alcohol, tattoos? That's none of my business. I
have no dog in that race. You have your sins and I have mine. Let's not judge
each other but let that be between the sinner and God. Oh, but if you are an
abortionist or a homosexual, I have a dog in that race! I will judge you, shun
you, call you names, attempt to end your human rights, and possibly feel
compelled to tell you, face to face, that you're an abomination or a baby
killer and that you're going to split hell wide open!
The Christians that jump on that illogical bandwagon of
judging only two types of sinners seem to hate homosexuals and abortionist, but
they don't. They actually fear them and the reason they fear them is because
they are concerned they might be just as much a “sinner” as they are. They fear
they are just as “abominable”, just as “twisted” or “wrong”. (Many of them are
in fact concerned that they too are homosexuals. This is why they are called
homoPHOBICS instead of homosexist.)
The homosexuality especially gets them. It's easy to see
that many Christians can handle it if you steal for a living but lose their
freak if you are gay and this seems somehow off kilter to their own teaching.
Let's examine this further, still assuming homosexuality is
wrong, but now understanding it cannot be any more wrong than Divorced Debbie
or Lying Larry .
Does God hate those children that are doing “wrong”? Does He
urge us to take away the free will of others and force them to be Christians?
To strip human rights from wrong doers? To treat chronic liars as though they
aren't even human beings? To shun and shame drug dealers? To call a person a
According to the Bible (Matthew 5:22) we are in danger of
hell fire of we call someone a fool. The Bible defines a fool in many ways, one
of which is “nâbâl” which is to say “stupid, wicked, and vile”. So, it is not a
stretch at all to say that calling another person vile/an abomination could end
up with you in trouble instead of your so called “fool”.
What if the Good Samaritan had been a Republican and the
injured man a homosexual? Would the Republican have stopped? What if the woman
at the well had been an abortionist? Would we love the story any less?
Are we here on Earth to force people to believe as we
believe? To take away the free will God gave them?
Are we here to tell the abortionist she is wrong and we are
right, and she needs to be in jail until she can be in hell? Are we here to
tell the homosexuals they are abominations?
Or are we here to love unconditionally as our Father loves
I am a Christian that does not consider homosexuality an
abomination. I'm a Christian that remembers that wearing gold, and being
divorced, and eating pork are just as condemned by our Bible as homosexuality.
But even before I knew that, when I did consider homosexuality a sin, I didn't
think I was here to force my beliefs on others, to judge them as abominations.
And I submit to you that whether it is or not not is between them and God. I
submit to you that they should be treated the same way by Christians that
believe it's wrong as they are treated by the Christians that believe it's not
wrong, and the ones that want it to just be between them and God: with kindness
and unconditional love! From all Christians everywhere, all the time, they
should be treated with kindness and unconditional love!
But this is very hard for those Christians that fear the
homosexual and fear the abortionist.
Republicans jump on the conservative Christian's fear. They
tell them the gays are taking over and have an “agenda”. Let me assure you, the
only gay agenda is to survive this Earth as long as they can and with a measure
of love and happiness. Sounds a lot like the hetro agenda, doesn't it?
The Republicans tell conservative Christians that the abortionist
want to murder children, even as they are being born! (Partial birth abortions
are not what you've been told.) They say, “Vote for me and I'll protect the
sanctity of marriage and the babies! I'm on God's side! I'm on your side!” They
stir up my brothers and sisters against each other, convincing them it's all us
versus them?
And it works! They do get the votes and will the elections.
They throw the Christians a bone (so they will vote for them again.) They
toughen abortions rules and discriminate against our gay citizens. Then they
take the children’s health care and the senior citizens’ medicaid. They steal
food stamps and heating assistance from the poor. They make deals to suit coal
mine owners instead of to protect coal miners. They rape our land and leave
filth for our grandchildren.
I'm convinced, Jesus would be tipping over tables in the
White House and when I oppose the Republican agenda (there's an agenda, for
real!) I'm tipping over tables in my own way. I'm finding my time for war. I'm
doing what I can, where I am, with what I have for my God and for goodness!
I promise you, I'd rather stand before God as queer as a
three dollar bill than stand before Him as one of the Republicans that used
God's name and God's children to fatten my own and my cronies pockets! And I'm
a Christian. I’m a Christian that remembers free will and stands on Grace and
Mercy. And speaking of remembering: Remember when I said we could forget that
fewer abortions happen when Democrats are in office and that they attempt to
feed the poor and treat the sick? Stop forgetting it. It's now time to
I appreciate your passion to see beyond labels. I'm not a well read Christian as you are but I do believe if Jesus walked among us today he would love us all...he would sit at the table with every one of us & share a meal and some laughs & tears- whatever label(s) we have to bear from others and those we impose on ourselves they fall away in the grace of Love. Jesus is the one of the beautiful examples of unconditional Love (that is not easy for most of us...but we can try to follow: choose Love). I also think, when we say "love your neighbor as yourself" we need to be sure we love ourselves or accept the Love that is always there: embrace it- then we can love others.
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree Jesus would be upturning some tables at the White House & Congress :-) I too think politicians (& I believe each party does this) take advantage and divide us into "groups" when in the heart of hearts-we want the same things (as you said)...The power of the people coming together in the name of Love (no matter our identities) will up turn the tables! & when we straighten up those tables again...put some pretty tablecloths on them and sit in peace and share a meal together: there will be Heaven on Earth for all of us. Blessings.
Great comment! Thank you for sharing!