Saturday, March 17, 2018


Political correctness is a hot button lately, thanks to certain remarks from a high profile politician, but it doesn't matter if Obama said it, or Trump implied it, or the queen of England decreed it: political correctness does NOT mean "it's wrong to share your beliefs with others". It simply means it's wrong to be cruel or to discriminate against other people who are free (just like you and I are free) to believe as THEY wish. 
Yes, sometimes PC seems excessive. In my own humble opinion it sometimes gets excessive (I shouldn't say "American" or "mother'?!) but so does religion, parenting, politics, and many other potentially good things that humans tend to be passionate about. It takes vigilant, deliberate thoughtfulness to keep humanity on an ever improving path. It's tricky! Going downhill and backwards is easy! Improving and trudging uphill is not. 
It's important to remember, now more than ever, that PC was created to keep us be kind. "We can't hear one another when we're engaged in a yelling match," and not being PC (name calling and being unkind) is one of the quickest ways to start a yelling match! We've been there and done that. Let's not go backwards!

Use the link below to access a great article on this subject.,amp.html

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