Wednesday, March 6, 2013


"Eye See You"
Photo by Skitch


Only The Names Have Been Changed 

"Ladies and gentlemen: the story you are about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent." And if you recognize that quote, you're likely not as innocent as you were when you settled down in front of that show (you know which show) many years ago, but you are not alone in that, and you are very welcome here. Please, settle down in front of my blog. Sit a spell. (That's Appalachian for "stay a while.")

I've been told by some friends and acquaintances that I should write a blog. Basically, I've been told that until I caved, so here I am, writing a blog. I hope they are very happy. Three of these people were a niece, a cousin, and a step-daughter.

It is worth noting that all these people are related to me (Can we say biased, boys and girls?) ... aaaand they are crazy...

It is also worth noting that I sometimes type like Captain Kirk talks. Get used to it or go read another blog. I know several good ones that are written by people that don't type like Captain Kirk talks, so shoot me a message if you need a referral.

There were a few things that made me think writing a blog might not be the best move in the world for me.

1.) Do I really want people that don't know me (and people that do know me) reading about my life, and thoughts, and struggles? Though I certainly know how to be loud and obnoxious when I want to, I am actually a very private introvert at heart.

2.) Where the heck do you start when your life has been one crazy roller coaster ride after another that could maybe support a dozen blogs?


3.) Do you write under your own name or use a pen name?

Since people keep bringing up the blog idea, I've pondered these questions off and on, and I finally came to these conclusions:

A.) The names will be changed to protect the innocent. "A Skitch by any other name," as they say. I have a load of nicknames (Skitch, & Dee Dee, & Dido, & Possumfrog, & more) I will go by those. Other people's names may be changed if and when I deem it needful. I don't really expect that no one will figure out who I 'really' am. I don't mind if my friends and family know. (As a matter of fact, you can bet your boobies I'll be emailing these blogs to some of the people that kept telling me I should write one! "Here, see what you did! I hope you're happy now!") And since family and friends are the ones that it would be very hard to remain anonymous with, I guess I'm not too worried about my secret identity. Which makes me one up on every superhero in comic book history except that nervy "Iron Man" guy.

B.) Today is as good a time as any.


C.) See first answer ^

So, in this introductory blog let me see if I can sum up who and what I am just a little. I am:
40 something
Indigo Alpha

Spiritual (Lean toward Christian but without all the Crusade/Iraq War crap. Make love not war! Maybe I'm a hippy Christian?!)
Creative (author, potter, artist, photographer, and more)
Experienced (Have experience at being: a daughter, a sister, a cousin, a niece, an aunt, a friend, a wife and (best of all) a mother. I have two grown sons that are the absolute apples of my eye. Motherhood saved my life and possibly my soul.) I have six step-children that I also adore with all my broken heart.
Open minded
Currently a call center worker
Pet owner (one dog, part Staffordshire Bull Terrier/part Black Lab named Sophie, and one cat (Her Divine Empress Never to be Disobeyed) part Siamese/part who-knows-which-cat-met-the-Siamese-under-the-shrubs, named Ghita)

A few (hopefully) interesting facts about me:
* I created and ran a newspaper advice column when I was 15 years old.

* I have been diagnosed with Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and Dysthymia. The psychiatrist also claimed I had Mixed Dominance and a poor attention span, but I think both of those last two are likely just offshoots of the Dyslexia. Even doctors don't know everything, right?

* I have also struggled with Dissociative identity disorder (DID), commonly known as multiple personality disorder (MPD). Which has been around a lot longer than "Sybil," though most people don't realize that.

* I have endured a lot of painful conditions and accidents: second and third degree burns, kidney stones, shingles, knee surgery, arthritis, an ectopic pregnancy, two spinal taps, and lots of migraine headaches (though I haven't had one in years, thank God!)

* I smoked a pipe now and then from the time I was three years old until I was about twelve.

 * When I was a baby, before I could even sit up on my own, my mother says she would prop me up with pillows, prop a book in front of me (she swears, no pictures) and I would sit contentedly while she cooked or washed dishes. She says I would run my finger along the page like I was reading and babble in goofy baby talk. And if you're calling me a liar now, brace yourself if you come back. My dad tells a story about me that's even more unbelievable than that one, and we'll try get into it next time. My parents are now 80 & 75. I thank the Creator for all my loved ones every day, and I know I am extra blessed to have two living parents.

March 6, 2013/Colder than Blue Blazes
Today I was off work for the third day in a row. I work four ten hour shifts in a call center. Not the greatest job in the world for a creative, outdoorsy type, but it pays the bills and provides benefits for me and mine. I've got my eye peeled for something I would enjoy more and still be able to do things like eat and buy bars of bath soap. Maybe someday I will even be able to quit my day job but tomorrow is not that day.:( Still, I work with some good people and I only have to work four days and then I can enjoy another stretch of three days off. 

It was snowing today and I'm usually a big fan of winter. I love watching the snow, cooking a pot of soup, baking homemade bread, reading a book snuggled under a quilt my mother made, drinking tea or coffee. Winter rocks! But I am over it at this point because this winter has been cold but not pretty. I like rain more than the average Joe... Okay, I like rain a LOT. I love thunderstorms in the summer, drizzly days in the spring, and those days in the autumn when the leaves are dancing in the wind and rain; those are my absolute favorites. In the winter I prefer snow. Snow is pretty, poetically silent, and it brushes off my coat before I go inside. Also, we usually get lots of rainy days in the other seasons, but winter is the only time we have to enjoy the snow. So, bring on the snow! But it's rained too much this winter. We've only had two snows that actually amounted to much and a couple of ice storms that I would have enjoyed more if I could've stayed indoors, but I could not. Had to go to work.

So, I went outside and scattered potting soil over the snow in the flower bed, whether it liked it or not. Whether the cold likes it or not, I'm ready for spring. I'm ready to garden. My seed catalogs arrived in the mailbox today, so I'm assuming the postman agrees. It's time for spring!

I also, wrote an essay about a haunting experience I had as a young girl. Wanna read it? 'Cause if you keep coming back you just may be asked to. There, I gave you fair warning. 

I spent a lot of the day trying to avoid the drama some of my family and friends have stirred up on Facebook... Do you have to do that? ... Please say, "Yes"! I'd hate to think we're the only ones!

And I wrote this crazy blog thing that people keep harping about. There, I hope you like it...

Thanks for reading.
Catch You Next Time Maybe,

Photo by Skitch"Spring Thaw" 2013

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