Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A Prayer for 2017


A Prayer for 2017
Dear Sweet Lord Jesus,
Please protect us from Your people.
You told them to feed the poor, but they want to cast us out.
You told them to shelter the homeless, but they rage to send us all away.
You told them to cast the first stone if they were without sin (perfect) and You told them not to judge, and yet they hurl insults and they cast words of condemnation that hurt like bricks.
You told them to treat the immigrant like the native, but they want to take up stones once more, but this time to build a mighty wall, like that wicked tower of Babel, to thwart Your will. They want to build a giant Bable Wall instead of doing as You asked and feeding Your multitudes.
You told them to turn the other cheek, but instead they turn their faces away from those that suffer. They fight for weapons and vengeance, and they say, "That is not my problem!" or "That is not my countryman!" though You clearly told them that we are all brothers and sisters and neighbors through You, Christ Jesus.
And then... there are the violent ones...
Dear Sweet Lord Jesus, please protect us from your people!

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